Interview with a woman about why she refused to accept the vaccine for Covid-19.
This seems like a reasonable position at first. It is foolish to inhale or inject drugs you don't know the contents of. This policy would reduce the number of poisonings and overdoses caused by addicts who unknowingly get a higher dose of street drugs from new suppliers. It's not easy to know what is in it.
There is a lot of information available about vaccines: how they were created and what's in them. This woman was willfully ignorant. She could have known what it contained, but she didn't want to. That is a justification for her irrational decision to not get vaccinated.
Even if she did read all the information available, would she be able to understand it? It is impossible to be an expert on every subject. We have to trust experts and are willing to listen. Maybe she doesn't trust vaccine experts, or all scientists. Is this rational? Who would she trust? Someone who posted something online? A friend with strong opinions, but no scientific training. Her gut? What would it do to her gut?
Ironically, she doesn't have the same objections about everything. Do you ask your friend to tell you what the ingredients are before she orders? Do you ask her about any ingredients that she is allergic before she orders? Is she taking a dietary supplement or a diet pill? Is she aware that supplements can be contaminated with anything from insects to prescription drugs when they are tested? Is she taking a multivitamin? Is it safe to trust that the label is accurate? It often contains more or less than what the label claims. How does she know if it is good for her health? Is she familiar with homeopathy? Is she able to explain what dilutions are? Is she taking the prescribed drugs as directed by her doctor? Is she familiar with what they contain? Are there any other vaccines she has received? A tetanus shot has she received? Was she able to ask the contents?
Conclusion: She is just trying to make up an excuse
Do we have to believe her? I don't. I don't. People make decisions first, then try to find plausible reasons to support their beliefs. I don't believe she is refusing to vaccinate because she doesn't know what the vaccine contains. It's a good excuse and not the best.