The Big Bang was the beginning of the universe. All that was ever going be anything was compressed into a small ball of whatever-ness. The universe then began expanding.
That's at least one way to look at it. Emerging theories and old philosophical claims are starting to gain ground in quantum physics research. It is beginning to look increasingly like we may actually be at the center of the universe.
This does not mean that Earth or the Milky Way are at the geographic center of the universe. This would be an arrogant assumption.
I believe humans are the center of the universe. Because they were, theoretically speaking, gods.
Making reality a reality
This is part two. First, we must establish that the universe can be conscious. Although it might not be, let's argue that we support the theory.
This is a quote that I found in Mind Matters News. It explains the concept well. It's Tim Andersen from Georgia Tech, a researcher in quantum physics.
Understanding Will requires that we examine our own consciousness. In a sense, there are two levels to our consciousness. The first level is that of experience. The first is of experience. We are aware of this. Second, we are conscious of our awareness of it. This is called reflection, or meta-consciousness. Reflection on my awareness of the flowers.
Andersens refers to Will as an underlying force of the universe that is analogous to consciousness.
It is possible to experience everything. You kick a rock and it experiences force, velocity, gravity. These experiences are not reflected on by the rock, and it is incapable of changing anything on its own.
It is conscious because it exists. It doesn't really exist. It is not a rock but a collection of molecules that have been smashed together. Those molecules aren't really molecules. These are particles that have been mangled together. And so on.
You eventually reach whatever quantum version of bedrock you are looking for, and the universe is made up of the exact same stuff as it was before the Big Bang.
A rock is not a rock
Our rock is a rock but it's not a real rock. We can see that its regular universe material is visible if we look closely enough. There is no difference in quantum realm between a tree, a rock and a Volvo.
It's almost like Minecraft. It doesn't matter what you build, it all comes down to one and zeros on a computer chips.
Here's where it gets cool. For whatever reason, the rock doesn't seem to have secondary consciousness. Andersen explained that the rock can't reflect on its experience.
But humans can. Humans can experience falling. However, we can also reflect back on this experience and make changes based on it.
Even more amazing, cosmically speaking is the ability to absorb the experiences of others and use them to inform our decision making. We are capable of reflecting upon the reflections of others.
This means that only human free will can effect change through conscious reflection.
Humans can choose to not fall. But rock cannot. You can choose to fly.
A post-human universe
Our existence has had the potential to change the entire course of the universe. The course of the universe's particles has changed from what they were doing before humanity appeared.
We don't know what kind of changes we have made to the cosmos. Our planet has already looked like a frathouse after a kegger, even though we've only been here for a few millions of years.
How will the galaxy look when we can travel to its edges within a matter of weeks or months? What happens when we are able to traverse the universe in a matter of weeks or months?
You might find an intelligent creator somewhere, chuckling at the moment. Perhaps the universe's plan has always included the creation and evolution of human beings.
The evidence, which is admittedly not very strong, supports this conclusion.
Quantum physics supports universal consciousness. If that is the case, it's difficult to separate the things capable of reflection from the things only capable of experiencing the experience.
It would be interesting if the only entities capable to produce a secondary reality from the universal consciousness were these entities.
I'm not saying you are God.
Maybe our ability to reflect upon consciousness is what allows for experiential reality to be manifested. Everything is possible because we think.
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