Monday's full approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for Pfizer/BioNTechs Covid-19 vaccine was granted. This could help to reduce vaccine hesitancy and encourage more Americans get the shot. Polling has shown that full approval could have an influence on those still not vaccinated.
On August 11, in Long Beach, California, a nurse administered a dose to a patient with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination. AFP via Getty Images
The Key Facts
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), 31% of adults who have not been vaccinated would opt for the Covid-19 vaccine, if the vaccine received full approval. YouGov conducted a poll July 24-27 and found that 9% of unvaccinated adults would be more likely to receive the vaccine if the authorization was granted. 38% said they were not sure, which is the highest number of vaccination reasons. Harris poll June 4-6 asked people if they believe full FDA approval will make them more likely get vaccinated. This is because vaccine manufacturers can market their products directly to consumers if they have FDA approval. Nearly 47% of unvaccinated respondents believed that approval would increase their chances of getting vaccinated. 54% said they would feel more comfortable hearing directly from pharmaceutical companies about the vaccine. The de Beaumont Foundation and Republican aligned pollster Frank Luntz conducted a poll August 4-5. 56% of parents who were unvaccinated said that full FDA approval would increase their confidence in vaccine safety. Although the Pfizer vaccine is only approved for adults 16 years or older, it still has an emergency use authorization for children 12-15 years old. 51% of parents who were not vaccinated said that full FDA approval would increase their chances of getting their children vaccinated against Covid-19.
Big Number
73%. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 73% of Americans have had at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine. This leaves more than 25% of adults unvaccinated. Only 55.9% of 16-17-year-olds have received at most one dose, even though they are now covered by full FDA approval.
Harris poll found that unvaccinated adults could have voted against full FDA approval. This allows more countries to adopt stricter vaccine requirements. After being informed that vaccine manufacturers have full approval, 51% of respondents were opposed to the decision.
Important Background
Monday's FDA approval was granted to Pfizers vaccine. This was after an extremely thorough and thoughtful review. Peter Marks, the FDAs Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research director, noted that the vaccine is largely safe against Covid-19 infections and prevents hospitalizations and deaths. Moderna and Johnson & Johnsons Covid-19 vaccinations are not yet fully approved. The approval comes at a time when widespread vaccine hesitancy continues to be an issue throughout the pandemic. However, vaccinations have increased slightly in response to the Covid-19 epidemic that has been triggered by the highly transmissible Delta variant. Not only is the FDA not fully approving vaccines, but those still not vaccinated have also cited concerns about side effects, trust in the government and vaccines generally, as well as not believing that Covid-19 poses enough risk to warrant vaccination.
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FDA approves Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine
Here are the Groups that Still Cannot Get The Covid Vaccine. Why (Forbes).
How the FDA could approve vaccines (Kaiser Family Foundation).
One in twelve Americans who are not vaccinated would say that $100 would change their mind regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. (YouGov
Poll: Confidence in Vaccine Safety Growing. Delta Variant and Pending FDA approval Could Boost Numbers (de Beaumont Foundation).
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