Twitter seems to be on a determined path to pushing the pedal to the metal. The company has grown from its humble beginnings as a failure generator and a smuggler of third-party successes to become a supporter of creators under Jack Dorseys leadership. Twitter Spaces, its Clubhouse clone has steadily improved its user interface with the integration of relevant tweets at a space's top and Twitter graph awareness for listeners. My icon was displayed at the top right of the spacecast window, right after the host and the invited speakers. Dan Farber, a frequent Gillmor Gang member and Salesforce colleague, was next to me on my listener list.
My Twitter social graph is what I believe is happening. This subtle detail is more intriguing than a global Twitter ranking that includes celebrities and other signals, which may not be as relevant as the feature itself. It's an algorithm of influencer rank, to use a different phrase. My algorithm guides me to find Dan if I am looking for friends within a group of more than a thousand people.
Spaces has many other features, but the most important is the integration of Spaces metadata into the new Twitter API version 2. This capability could be used by third-party developers to create algorithms about Space dynamics and listener uptake. Another contiguous project is a pilot that will connect your Twitter account to your Revue newsletter. The link will take you to a page that lists recent newsletters as well as links to join the Revue subscriber program. Twitter bought Revue in order to compete with Substack. They are now offering clever integration points such as Revues RSS-enabled drag & drop support for feeds that you can mine for citations while building your newsletter.
I would not have been paying much attention to crypto's growing popularity a few months or weeks ago. This would include Jack Dorsey's actions in Square and Twitter to promote blockchain and the growing attention from Congress as well as regulatory agencies. The impact of the bipartisan Infrastructure bill was eye-opening. An anti-crypto tax-related Amendment threatened to delay Senate adoption. I am now more aware of how Twitter has managed to consolidate various assets related to the growth and development of the subscription and audio sector. The Gang and Keith Teare, a Gillmor Gang member, rehash the same arguments about crypto's viability. It is hard to argue that crypto may be a factor in a surprising number of solutions, regardless of whether anyone can answer the question about what problem it solves.
The latest Gillmor Gang Newsletter
The Gillmor Gang Frank Radice and Michael Markman, Keith Teare and Denis Pombriant are among the guests. Recorded live Friday July 23, 2021.
Tina Chase Gillmor produced and directed the film @tinagillmor
@fradice, @mickeleh and @denispombriant are @kteare, @brentleary and @stevegillmor @gillmorgang
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