Protesters gather to demand economic relief following the coronavirus pandemic that struck New York City on August 5, 2020. Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images
The demand for a fourth pandemic stimulant check is high but it's unlikely that the federal government will provide more.
Four states are working to meet that demand.
California, Florida and New Mexico have all set aside funds for residents.
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As the coronavirus pandemic continues, Americans are calling for more stimulus money. As Washington seems less likely to approve a fourth round of checks, some states are taking action on their own.
There have been three rounds so far of stimulus checks. In March, eligible Americans received $1.400 in stimulus checks. In March, Trump's administration issued two rounds of stimulus checks, one for $1,200 and the other for $600.
Insider's Joseph Zeballos -Roig says that a fourth stimulus package is unlikely. He reported that the economy is recovering jobs in a July analysis. In May, the White House tossed the ball to Congress and said that it was up to Congress to decide whether a fourth stimulus would go out.
Jen Psaki (White House press secretary) stated that "we'll see what members Congress propose." She also stated that the federal government is generally not able to afford the stimulus package.
A petition with nearly 3 million signatures shows that there is broad support not only for a single round, but also for recurring stimulus checks.
These are the four states offering direct payments to residents to help meet their demand for additional support.
Last month, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the $100 billion recovery package, which will allow direct payments to go to millions of residents.
The package provides $12 billion for stimulus relief. Individuals will receive a $600 check beginning in September. Families with children will be eligible for an additional $500. Newsom's office claims that the stimulus checks will reach nearly two-thirds of Californians.
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Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis stated earlier in the week. DeSantis' office stated that nearly 200,000 first responders qualify for the payment.
Teachers and educators may also be eligible for $1,000 stimulus checks.
DeSantis stated Tuesday that "those should be arriving this week"
New Mexico
According to the New Mexico Human Services Department, thousands of low-income people can expect to receive a check for up to $750.
This initiative is part a $5 million state program that provides financial aid to New Mexican households with low incomes. The department stated that the checks will be distributed first to those with the lowest income.
Human Services Secretary David Scrase stated that support payments were crucial to many New Mexico families. "We are proud to have made this effort and will continue to support New Mexicans in their time of need."
After the Tennessee legislature passed a bill, full-time teachers can receive a check of 1,000 dollars. Part-time teachers can receive a $500 check.
In 2021, the direct payments will begin to roll in.
Business Insider has the original article.