NASA published a "jewel bright" photo of a spiral galaxy a million light-years away from Earth.
The galaxy NGC1385 is located in the Fornax constellation.
Latin for "furnace" is the constellation's name.
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The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of a "jewel bright" spiral galaxy. It is located 68 million light years from Earth.
NASA and the European Space Agency published this photo. NASA stated in a blog post on Friday that the photo showed NGC1385, a galaxy located in the constellation Fornax.
The image was captured by the Wide Field Camera 3 of Hubble, the US space agency. It was installed during the most recent Hubble mission in 2019, it said.
NASA says that Fornax does not come from an animal or an ancient God, but rather comes from the Latin word furnace.
The ESA stated in the text accompanying the photograph that the constellation was named Fornax after Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille (a French astronomer who was born in 1713).
The agency stated that Lacaille had named 14 of the 88 constellations that we recognize today. His penchant for naming constellations after scientific instruments like Atlia (the pump), Norma ("the ruler or square") and Telescopium ("the telescope") is evident.
This photo is the latest in a long line of stunning photos taken by Hubble Space Telescope cameras during its three decades-long observation of the cosmos.