You can't escape viral TikTok songs. These songs are everywhere and you will hear them all the time if you use any social media platform. SiriusXM can also play TikTok earworms if you like them. TikTok Radio has been launched by the satellite radio service. This channel is dedicated to viral hits and can be accessed on vehicles, desktops, connected devices, and the SXM app.
According to the companies the channel will sound similar to the "For You" feed on the platform. Some of TikTok's most famous creators will present music and share stories about viral hits that you can listen to. They were named Billy (@8illy), Cat Haley, (@itscathaley), HINDZ(@hindzsight), Lamar Dawson [@dirtykingofpop] and Taylor Cassidy J (@taylorcassidyj), but the channel will have more creators in future.
The TikTok Radio Trending Ten is one of the shows that you can look forward too. It will feature the creators performing the most recent songs on the platform. The stream will be available every Friday at 3PM ET and replays throughout weekends. It can also be listened to anytime via the SXM App. DJ Habibeats (@djhabibeats) and DJ CONST (@erinconstantineofficial) will also serve as the channel's resident DJs and will mix trending hits live simultaneously on TikTok and Tiktok Radio every Fridays and Saturdays starting at 7 PM ET.
Scott Greenstein, President & Chief Content Officer at SiriusXM stated in a statement: