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Society is being affected by more serious issues than ever before. Negativity is a form of evil that we promote and increase on social media. It is true that there have been good and bad news since man has used reason. But, in this age, it is possible to communicate in an instant with friends and others from other cultures and spread good or evil.
Negative news and thoughts can become a part of daily life for many people. What number of people don't have a family member or friend who shares negative information? One time, I was talking to a young man with a great idea about starting a business. He said that he wasn't going to ask a bank for money to fund his project. When I asked him why, he replied: "I don't want to go because those supporters are for politicians friends, and besides the party currently in power is not to mine." I asked him what the reason behind this thinking. He answered me, "You aren't on Twitter or Facebook? Do you not see all that is being said about governments and banks?
There are many, just like the previous example. What about the young entrepreneurs who have huge entrepreneurial potential and are not influenced by negative thinking?
They are they assuming that the stars must align before they can start their project? Is it that we need to have chemistry in order to be able take on a government? Wait for banks to become charities so that we can work together and develop a financial plan. This will not happen!
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, used to say: The world doesn't care what your self-esteem is. No matter how good you feel about yourself, the world will expect you achieve something. "We live in an age where everything around us seeks to help our species. But for some reason, we are taught that society and the world must work together. That the whole of humanity must find the same way I am successful.
When negative thinking takes over, we start to compare ourselves to others.
Here are 10 ways to promote positive thinking
Although being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean you will become a billionaire overnight, it does mean you will make a difference in the lives of those around you. Negative thinking can lead us to constantly criticize the work of others. We disqualify them, attack their efforts, and believe that if they succeed, it is because they were fortunate or met someone who helped them get to where they are today. We become so critical of others that we seek out ways to avoid being criticized. This keeps us stuck in a vicious circle and prevents us from moving forward. Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) used to say that if you don't want to be criticized, don't do it.
Sam Walton, an American businessman, says that high expectations are key to achieving success.
The previous sentence is about the mindset young entrepreneurs need to have. If you don’t believe in your idea no one will. If you don't believe you can do it right, congratulations. It is essential that you change your thinking. Don't let the negativity that floods social media and robs you of your enthusiasm.
PayPal founder Elon Musk says: "You want a future where things are better than they were in the past." This is because of a change in mentality. In this case, things changed for the worse.
Let me close by quoting Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon): "Life is too short not to surround yourself with people that don't contribute." You can change your mindset and, if necessary even your friends.