Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the US has been struggling to evacuate Americans as well as its Afghan allies.
According to The Wall Street Journal, officials may request that US airlines fly from areas in the region that are crowded with refugees.
In order to lessen overcrowding, the US military might also open additional bases for evacuees.
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The White House may consider involving commercial airlines in aiding in US evacuations to Afghanistan, according to The Wall Street Journal.
According to NBC's Josh Lederman, the military has notified major US airlines that they may be asked for their assistance in operating flights for Afghan evacuees.
After WWII, the Civil Reserve Air Fleet was established in 1952. It can be activated during national defense crises to increase US military's aircraft capability. The program is open to commercial airlines, who in turn are eligible for preference in transporting personnel and cargo for the Department of Defense.
Continue reading: The Americans who prosecuted the Taliban are now going down a "black hole" to aid their Afghan interpreters
Since Sunday's Taliban takeover, the US has struggled this week to evacuate thousands of Americans and Afghan allies. There have been reports of chaos at Kabul's airport as people tried to flee Taliban rule.
According to US officials, the Biden administration may tap up to five US airlines to provide 20 commercial jets for evacuations.
The airlines would be required to fly from Kabul, but also from bases in the region such as Qatar and Bahrain. These are where thousands of evacuees are held, and are at capacity limits.
According to the Journal, officials are considering increasing the number of bases people can be evacuated to to alleviate overcrowding.
American military bases are also ready to host Afghans who fled Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Taliban takeover.
Further setbacks were also experienced Saturday at Kabul's Hamid Karzai International airport. Officials from the United States warned Americans not to go there because of "potential security threats" or fears that ISIS might launch an attack.
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