August 21, 2021 6 minutes read
Entrepreneur contributors do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed.
When I was 14 years old, my first job was in graphic design and printing. Since I was a child, I enjoyed the challenge of working and learning new things. I now own my own graphic design shop, many years after starting it.
Although professional experience and hustle can take you far, 2020 presented new challenges that no one could have foreseen. When I arrived, something changed in my life. It was clear that the outbreak was having a significant impact on business. I put aside my fear of losing my business and decided to use the outbreak to help me grow. Knowing that so many people were struggling, I knew I had to do more and push myself beyond my limits.
Enter Covid-19
It was March 2020, and I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was March 23, 2019, when a bartender gave me my drink. He said, Enjoy it, brother. Tomorrow is lockdown.
My worry started to settle the next day. My brother-in law came home from work feeling sick. To be safe, he decided to get a Covid-19 testing and to quarantine himself. We received the news the next day that he had tested positive for the virus. It all seemed too real at that point.
I was mentally exhausted trying to control everything. However, I was determined to transform my fear into strength. We were only able to see the news coverage about deaths and devastation in our communities and families through social media.
My sister became sick out of nowhere. I had no choice but take care of my sister and I soon felt sick. It was like I was in a twilight zone mentally. The body aches were unbearable. I experienced shortness of breath, nausea, and loss of taste and smell. This two-week ordeal was extremely painful.
Related: Covid-19 will fuel the next wave of innovation
Over income, humility and spiritual beliefs
I was not worried about generating income for my company. I was fortunate to have enough savings to last me a good amount of time. I recall speaking with business owners in distress who weren't sure what to do. Many people felt scared and their income stopped suddenly.
I was able to see the potential for new income streams almost immediately. High demand items such as masks and marketing material for restaurants and businesses were very much in demand. But, I was reluctant to make any profits from essential items such as masks. Because I owned a branding business, I had all the tools necessary to create all those highly-demanded products and services. It didn't matter to me. Instead, I focused my efforts on strengthening my relationship with God and my family. Companies founders are more successful when they have the support of their families. I am so grateful for my family's support.
My priorities changed dramatically after my scare.
Although I have always been spiritual, I am now ready to make a change and be the person I want to be. My first step was to offer my services free of charge to anyone who needed them. It didn't matter to me that I wasn’t financially able to do this. It was the happiness that I brought to others that mattered most and what kept me going.
Get back to work
June 2020 was the first time I visited my warehouse. It was covered in dust, and devoid of ink or cleaning solutions. Because of the pandemic, it was difficult to get a technician out and service them. I was unsure of what to do.
One of the restaurant's owners called me asking if I knew anyone who could help them build an outdoor dining area. The city offered this new service to assist struggling restaurants to make up the lack of being able to dine in their buildings.
After a moment of reflection, I confidently stated that I was capable of handling that task for him. It is important to be open to making big decisions as an entrepreneur. Although it was a difficult task, I was able to jump in and succeed. It allowed me to come up with innovative ways to build structures in the city, which I could then use to replace the revenue lost from my main business.
In the last seven months, I've been able apply my passion and love to all that I do and have been able jump over obstacles that I was unable to overcome before. Hustle with God inspired me to start a philanthropic business. It is a platform that aims to break all barriers and make the world a better place, one day at a.
Related: 9 Ways that Covid-19 is like Running a Marathon
What I learned
Covid-19 was a journey that brought with it many lessons. It became obvious that I had to be there for others during this time. We all owe one another a helping hand, and I take this responsibility a lot more now.
Businesses are not guaranteed. While I may have been able hustle and overcome some challenges, not everyone was. This was my reality. No matter how hard I try, my business is not guaranteed. It is crucial to be ready and willing to change. It is important to have a backup plan, especially if you have a lot at stake. There are no guarantees in this life. This includes our safety and health.
Related: How Small Businesses Can Survive the Covid-19 Pandemic