Bill Maher tackled a topic that doesn't appear to be controversial on the surface. He then ripped it apart... Apple announced it would scan phones for child porn.
The host of "Real Time" was shocked and called it a shocking breach in privacy. Although he wasn't pro-child porn, he stated that there was a bigger problem. He argued that a phone is the same as a wallet or purse. These items can be viewed by others, and no one would dispute that. So what is the difference between a phone and a wallet?
It was a mistake. He called it a "blatant Constitutional violation" and a violation to the 4th Amendment's right against unreasonable searches or seizures. The truth is that this only applies to government intrusions, not private companies. We get the point.
Bill went on to highlight a bigger point: the harm smart phones cause to society. He said, "They make people into assholes."