The Daily Beast reported that COVID skeptics refuse transfusions from vaccinated donors.
Doctors believe that up to 70% of blood being donated currently comes from vaccinated donors.
Donors are not vaccinated against the virus by blood centers.
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According to The Daily Beast, some patients are refusing life-saving blood transfusions from vaccinated donor because they are skeptical about the coronavirus jab.
According to Emily Osment, spokesperson for the American Red Cross, officials at the American Red Cross have been asked by questions about whether vaccined blood may be "tainted," with components from COVID-19 injections.
Doctors had to convince patients that blood donations from unvaccinated people are safe.
According to Jessa Merrill (Director of Biomedical Communications at Red Cross), "While antibodies produced by the stimulated immune response to vaccination can be found throughout the bloodstream but the actual vaccine components cannot."
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Similar conversations are reported by other blood centers in the country with patients.
Dr. Louis Katz is the chief medical officer at ImpactLife, an Iowa blood center. He said that he has had to tell "a few" patients that it was not possible to give them blood from non-vaccinated donors.
Dr. Geeta Parnjape, a Carter BloodCare medical director in Bedford, Texas had to intervene after a father who was due to undergo surgery asked if his son could receive blood from unvaccinated donors.
According to The Daily Beast, Paranjape stated that "a lot of people believe there's some sort of microchip" or they're going cloned.
Experts estimate that up to 70% of the country’s blood supply now comes from donors who have received the vaccine or had COVID-19.
Director of Vitalant Research Institute Dr. Michael Busch told the Beast that less than 10% of blood samples taken from the US do not contain antibodies.
A blood center doesn't have the ability to collect information about blood donors who are infected or vaccinated against COVID-19.