The US is now entering a race for space weapons in the global space arena.
Breaking Defense reports that top Pentagon officials want to declassify anti-satellite technology capable of destroying adversary satellites, and possibly even spacecraft.
Breaking Defense reports that the military was ready to disclose the project. However, the conflict in Afghanistan and the COVID-19 pandemic seem to have delayed declassification.
We don't know exactly what these technologies will look like, as the project is classified. This weapon system could be a mobile laser system that is mounted on the ground, or a microwave system capable of jamming electronic devices from outer space.
This news comes just a few days after the US Army announced plans to test and deploy high-altitude systems capable of jamming enemy communications from high up.
Cold War 2
Russia and China are believed to be actively involved in anti-satellite technology research. Breaking Defense reports that several military space leaders believe the Space Force and Space Command should be able to demonstrate their ability to eliminate enemy satellites.
It's a dangerous arms race. Both the US and China depend heavily on satellite constellations for communications, GPS and reconnaissance satellite constellations in space.
The move was not well received by critics. In response to Breaking Defenses' report, Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astrophysicist who is also a famed satellite tracker, tweeted: "Great!" This will encourage other countries to speed up their space weapons programs.
Experts believe that the US is not actually threatening to do so, but rather trying to prevent conflict by controlling such technology.
The declassification of the tactic is a failure. Breaking Defense learned that although the genesis was intended for deterrence, those involved in it do not have basic knowledge of deterrence. It's a complete f***ing shitshow.
READ MORE: Pentagon Threatened To Unveil, Demonstrate Classified Weapons in Space [Breaking Defense]
Space weapons: More information: The Army plans to build balloons that can jam coms from above