It's amazing... Mike Richards was selected 9 days ago to replace Alex Trebek on "Jeopardy!" He has decided to quit.
Richards was criticised on Twitter for comments that he made eight years ago on a podcast. After Richards made derogatory remarks about Jews, the Anti-Defamation League criticized him on Twitter. Richards replied, "Ixnay upon the osenay," to a podcast commenter about large noses. She isn't an ewJay.
Richards also called his female host a "booth-slut." Richards also commented on the weight of her friends.
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Richards stated in his resignation that he was honored to have been asked to host the syndicated program and that he was excited to take on a larger role. It has become obvious that the host role would be too distracting for our viewers and not the best move for the show.
It's interesting how the timing worked out. Thursday was the first day for shooting the new season. Richards shot one episode and then called it quits.
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He will continue to serve as the Executive Producer.
The question is: If not Richards, then who?
Mayim Bialik was chosen to host the primetime show 'Jeopardy! Mayim Bialik was selected to host the primetime 'Jeopardy!' shows. We reported that she was Sony's first choice for the syndicated edition, but her schedule made it impossible. It will be interesting to see if Sony can make accommodations for her.
Richards claims that they are bringing back guests hosts in the interim. The show is currently under pressure to meet its production schedule.