Visitors will find a large flat stone that can be used to depict a man in full size near the entrance of Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia. The man's face is serene and he is wearing fantasy armor and a sword over his body.
This is the memorial stone to Dave Brockie (frontman and founder of heavy metal band GWAR). Brockie, who played the role of Oderus Urungus in the comic strip, spent his entire life travelling the globe and performing as a space monster. He died in 2014. In 2019, the stone revealed Brockie in his Oderus armor.
Brockie's ashes are not buried beneath the stone. Instead, they were placed in an Oderus costume and given a Viking funeral at a lake outside of Richmond. The Oderus character was removed after Brockies death and the band continues to tour, record and record until today. Brockies legacy lives on at the GWARbar which was opened in 2014, shortly before his death.