China's astronauts make spacewalk to upgrade robotic arm

This foray is part China's highly promoted space programme, which has already seen China land a rover to Mars and send probes up the moon.
Chinese astronauts climbed into space Friday to finish a robotic arm for the Tiangong space station.

This foray is the second spacewalk in as many months. It was broadcast on state television.

Three crew members arrived at the station in June. They will remain there for three months, making it China's longest-ever crewed mission.

China Manned Space Agency released a statement saying that Nie Haisheng (astronaut) and Liu Boming (astronaut) successfully exited Tianhe's core module to install footstops and a workbench for the station's robotic arm.

The astronauts were seen working outside the spacecraft with a long rope attached to their bodies.

According to state broadcaster CCTV, their tasks include adjusting a panoramic camera and setting up a thermal unit.

After the 2008 spacewalk, Zhai Zhigang made China third country to successfully complete a spacewalk.

The second occurred in early July when Liu and Tang Hongbo, the third crew member, left the station.

This is China's first crewed expedition in almost five years, and it comes at a time of great prestige for China as the country celebrates the 100th anniversary the founding of the Communist Party.

Continue reading: Chinese astronauts complete first spacewalk outside of new station

2021 AFP