Hustle guys will often tell you the absurd saying, "Your network is your net worth" Tom Cruz appears to have taken this principle to heart.
Cruz's TikTok post went viral on Twitter. Cruz shared in TikTok that he had organized his friends into a spreadsheet which could be used to sort them by income, bonuses, relationship statuses and other details such as whether they are willing to travel to the Global South. It's known as the "Forbes Friend List". You can watch it here:
There is a lot here. First, "Broke Bobby", who earns $125,000 per annum, is twice the average U.S. household's income. Many people responded to this. On Thursday afternoon, "Broke Bobby” was the most popular trending topic.
Cruz's TikTok had a lot more than just viral videos. One column, for example, evaluated the friend's willingness to travel to third-world destinations.
Cruz explained in a follow up video that some of these people had negative experiences in the Third World. We automatically disqualify people who don't want the opportunity. This is one of the first things we consider when evaluating applicants.
After looking at the spreadsheet more closely, details about Tom Cruz's friends were revealed. These mini-stories included one person who is 70% single. It is unknown what the other 30 percent of his relationship status is.
Cruz spends a lot of his social media time investing in real estate. He is particularly interested in getting subsidies for Section 8 housing, which is government-backed and low-income housing. Cruz's accounts show that he is a North Carolina resident, and has purchased rental properties.
Cruz claims that his friends shared the information and it was intended to help with vacation planning. Cruz also shared another spreadsheet with lower-income friends, which he claimed these 10 people created.
Although it is impossible to verify if these lists are made up of real friends, Cruz insists that Cruz does this with his pals over social media. So, I imagine Bobby, a somewhat successful accountant, out in North Carolina scrolling through thousands to thousands of tweets about his income.