Bethesda Softworks has announced new updates to Skyrim, nearly a decade since its original release. The Skyrim Special Edition will receive a free upgrade to the next generation on November 11, exactly 10 years since its original launch. Bethesda will also offer three pieces of Creation Club content for special edition owners. This includes the possibility to go fishing.
Bethesda will also release a second edition of the game, appropriately named The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Anniversary Edition. This edition includes all of Special Edition, three Creation Club content pieces, and over 500 pieces unique Creation Club content including quests, weapons and more. Bethesda allows you to upgrade to Anniversary Edition if you have Special Edition or Xbox Game Pass. However, the price is not disclosed.
Skyrim will be ported to three generations of consoles with the next-gen upgrade. Bethesda also released a VR port, and perhaps the most notable, a Skyrim: Very Special Edition port for Amazon's Alexa assistant.