I'm a sucker to retro liveries, and this one was rolled out on an American Eagle jet.
Special American Eagle retro livery
American Airlines' regional subsidiary Envoy Air recently introduced an Embraer E170 with the heritage American Eagle livery. This plane will receive a special paint job. It is a 12-year-old aircraft that began flying in 2009. Envoy Air even has a photo gallery featuring photos of this gorgeous plane.
American Eagle heritage livery jet
American Eagle heritage livery jet
American Eagle heritage livery jet
American Eagle heritage livery jet
This was the original American Eagle livery. However, it was not used on American Airlines mainline jets. They instead had a bare-metal finish. To ensure consistency, American Airlines introduced a matching livery to regional jets when it changed its mainline livery.
New American Eagle Livery
American Airlines has retro liveries for mainline aircraft. One plane is dedicated to each American Airlines predecessor, in recognition of all the mergers and acquisitions over the years. These retro liveries are always fun to spot at airports.
American Airlines 737 retro livery
This livery was not my favorite at the time.
Funny thing is, I didn't like the American Eagle livery when it was used on regional jets. It was bright and American-looking, which I liked. It had been outdated for many years to me. The new livery is more modern and sharp looking, but it does look a little more boring.
I loved the retro livery, regardless of my feelings about it at the time. It's always a pleasure to see these planes taxi at airports. It reminds me of old American Airlines. This is when American installed TVs on planes rather than ripping them out. And when Americans food was really good. Those days are gone!
Bottom line
A American Eagle Embraer 170 has been painted with the former regional carrier livery. This was the same livery that was on all American Eagle regional planes up until the merger of American Airlines and US Airways. American then changed its livery.
Although I didn't like the old livery back then, I do enjoy seeing it now. This plane is something I would love to see in real life.
What do you think of the American Eagle retro-livery jet?