Shawn Holley is one of Trevor Bauer’s lawyers and he speaks to the media following the judge's rejection of a woman's request to have a permanent restraining or. (0:23).
LOS ANGELES -- Trevor Bauer, Dodgers pitcher, was granted a temporary restraining injunction by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge DiannaGould-Saltman. The order was deemed invalid after a woman requested a permanent one on Thursday.
Gould Saltman concluded that Bauer was not a threat to the 27 year-old woman who had accused him of sexual assault in two separate encounters. She also said that her injuries weren't the result of any verbal objections.
Judge said that the "injuries shown in the photos are terrible", but she added, "If she established limits and he exceeded those, this case would have been clear." She set limits, but did not consider all consequences. Respondent did not exceed the limits set by petitioner."
"We are grateful for the Los Angeles Superior Court denial of the request for permanent restraining orders and dissolving temporary restraining orders against Mr. Bauer today," Shawn Holley (one Bauer's lawyers) said outside the courthouse, standing alongside Jon Fetterolf and Bauer. We appreciate that the court reviewed all relevant information and witnessed to reach this conclusion.
For more than three months, the Pasadena (Calif.), Police Department has been investigating allegations against Bauer and has not made any arrests or charges. Major League Baseball has been investigating the matter for seven weeks.
At Friday's end, Bauer's fifth extension of his administrative leave (which dates back to July 2) expires. It is expected that the MLB Players Association will consent to it being extended again. MLB will not rule on a possible Bauer suspension until the criminal investigation is over.
Bauer was summoned to the witness stand on Thursday morning. However, his attorneys stated throughout the proceedings that Bauer would not answer specific questions. They also used his Fifth Amendment rights to ensure that he did not incriminate himself during a criminal investigation. The attorneys for the woman pleaded with Judge to allow cross-examination. They cited questions that were relevant to the hearing, but not necessarily incriminating.
However, Gould-Saltman ruled in favor of any questions relating to the hearing's genesis. Bauer answered her direct question about whether he would invoke the Fifth Amendment right.
Tisha Thompson
Thursday marked the end of a four day hearing to decide whether Bauer's temporary restraining orders should be revoked or made permanent. California has a maximum five-year statute.
The woman's declaration included graphic details about Bauer allegedly making her unconscious multiple times, punching her throughout the body, and sodomizing her without her consent. She also left her with injuries that required hospitalization. ESPN won't name the woman because she claimed she was a victim to sexual assault. She testified for nine hours over three days.
Her attorneys also called her best friend and the Sexual Assault Response Team nurse as witnesses. Bauer's lawyers called a forensic medical inspector.
Bauer's team relied heavily on texts that the woman had left out of her declaration. She said that she was inviting rough sex and that she "hooks in" Bauer. However, the attorneys for the woman stated that consent and intentions do not absolve an assault.
Lisa Helfend Meyer (one of the woman’s lawyers) said in a lengthy closing statement that Trevor Bauer was now openly revealing who he really is to the world. I hope he gets help, and doesn't do this again in the future with the pretense of rough sex.