Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, speaks at a press briefing at Pentagon on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 in Washington.
When asked by Lloyd Austin, Defense Secretary, about the people who are unable to reach Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul due to Taliban checkpoints, he stated that "I don’t have the ability to go out and expand operations currently into Kabul."
WASHINGTON The Pentagon acknowledged Wednesday that it doesn't have the ability to safely transport Americans to Kabul from Kabul for evacuation, as the Taliban consolidate control over Afghanistan's capital.
After the U.S. Embassy at Kabul warned Americans there that it could not guarantee safe passage to the airport, the Defense secretary has admitted to it.
"And where can you take it? Austin asked Austin how far you can extend into Kabul, and how long it takes to get those forces in to do so.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army General Mark Milley stated that the airport was currently secured with approximately 5,000 U.S. troops and the Taliban "aren't interfering in our operations." Milley stated that the situation was "still volatile and could change quickly."
Austin pledged that the U.S. would "evacuate everybody that we physically and possibly evacuate, and we'll continue this process for as much time as possible." According to the Pentagon chief, the U.S. is working with the Taliban to make passageways to the airfield.
To ensure safe passage for Americans, the U.S. relies on an agreement with Taliban. Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State, stated earlier Wednesday that "it seems that the Taliban's commitment to safe passage for Americans is solid", while acknowledging that she doesn't know everything.
General Mark Milley, Joint Chiefs Chairman, pauses during a briefing at The Pentagon on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 in Washington.
"There are many threats that we are closely monitoring. If we identify a specific threat, we will immediately take military action in accordance to our rules of engagement. It is known by the Taliban and all other organizations in the country," the general stated.
"We are the United States Military, and we will successfully evacuate any American citizen who wants to leave Afghanistan. They are our number one priority. 1," Milley said alongside Austin.
When asked about the possibility of rescuing Taliban-held people with troops, the general said that the military had the "capability" to do so, but that it was a policy decision.
"We also plan to evacuate all those who have supported us for many years and we will not leave them behind. Milley said that we will evacuate as many as possible.
Senators Amy Klobuchar (D.Minn.) & Mitt Romney (R.UT) wrote a letter urging the U.S. to remember journalists and support staff in Afghanistan, and to continue to provide evacuation flights.
The Senators addressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas stated that there are approximately 200 journalists and support staff with their families still trying to flee Afghanistan.
The New York Times tweeted Wednesday night, "our brave colleagues from Afghanistan made it safely." According to the publication, 65 families and 128 men, children, and women were heading for freedom.
The State Department confirmed that some Afghans were being prevented from getting to the airport by the Taliban.
Sherman stated that reports have shown that Taliban are blocking Afghans wishing to flee the country, contrary to their public statements as well as their promises to our government.
Milley stated that the Pentagon currently averages about 20 cargo plane evacuation flights per hour. Sherman stated that 2,000 people were evacuated during this period. The State Department will soon invite 800 Afghan special visa holders to board U.S. flights.
"I didn't see, nor did anyone else, a collapse in any army that large in just 11 days. U.S. Army General Mark Milley is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Tuesday's confirmation by the Pentagon that U.S. Central Command Chief Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth McKenzie was in regular contact with Taliban leaders was made on Tuesday. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesperson, declined to give further details about those talks. Kirby said that there have not been any high-level talks between NATO military and Pentagon since the country's collapse.
The Taliban entered Kabul on Sunday, despite being outnumbered by the Afghan military which has been supported by NATO and U.S. coalition forces for the past 20 years.
Insurgents from Taliban took the presidential palace within hours. This was a dramatic development that led to the exodus Ashraf Ghani, the now-deposed Afghan president. The United Arab Emirates confirmed Wednesday that Ghani was in exile within the Kingdom.