Germany is ignoring the European Union's travel recommendations and is adding travel restrictions to Americans.
Germany bans Americans who are not vaccinated
The European Union added the United States in June to its safe travel list. This was due to the low incidence of infection in the country. This led to the recommendation that all countries of the European Union should welcome Americans, regardless of their vaccination status.
Despite increasing numbers of cases in the United States this country is still on the safe travel list of the European Union. However, individual countries can add restrictions to their travel lists.
As a result, Germany added the United States to their high-risk list on Sunday, August 15, 2021
If they do not want to be quarantined, travelers from the United States must either have their entire vaccinations or show a compelling reason to enter the country.
Travelers who are not vaccinated must be isolated for 10 days following arrival in Germany. However, the quarantine period can be reduced to five to seven days if tested within five days of arriving in Germany. Before this change, Americans who have never been vaccinated could enter Germany with a negative coronavirus testing and no need to quarantine.
These restrictions do not depend on citizenship or residency. They are based upon having been in the United States (or any other high-risk area) within the last 10 days.
Germany has added restrictions on Americans who are not vaccinated
What will happen if other countries follow Germany's example?
In the last few weeks, there has been discussion about the United States being removed from the safe travel list of the European Union.
The United States should be removed from this list. They are way beyond the threshold published to be considered low-risk.
Despite this, the United States is not yet on the list. However, it will be reviewed in the coming weeks.
Keep in mind that the European Union's safe travel recommendation is not binding for its member countries. It was fair to see Germany go against the European Union's recommendations. If the guidance does not change, I wouldn't be surprised if more countries do something similar.
Are other EU countries likely to follow Germany's example?
Bottom line
Germany banned Americans without vaccination from traveling to Germany, even though the United States is on the European Union's safe travel list. It is fair and reasonable, as it makes no sense for the US to remain on the safe travel list if the country has exceeded the threshold. The EU provides only recommendations and does not set any laws regarding entry restrictions.
What do you think about Germany's new travel restrictions? Do you think that other EU countries will soon follow suit?