Images and videos show the Taliban celebrating when they reach Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
A spokesman for the Taliban said that Taliban fighters were waiting at the city's gates while they negotiate with government officials.
According to the Afghan government, they will allow a peaceful transfer of power to a Taliban-led interim government.
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Taliban fighters reached Kabul, Afghanistan's capital. This is the culmination a lightning offensive that saw the insurgents seize large swathes in the country.
Suhail Shaheen, spokesperson for the Taliban, told BBC that the Taliban had instructed fighters to wait at Kabul's gates while they negotiated with the government.
Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal, the Afghan Interior Minister, stated on Sunday that Afghanistan would see a "peaceful transfer" of power to a transitional government led by Taliban.
Online videos purport to show a Taliban fighter crying in joy, and insurgents celebrating as the reach the capital's outskirts.
Another video purported to show Taliban supporters celebrating as insurgents stopped their advance outside of the city gates.
Despite the claims made in the tweets, reports describe a city in fear as residents flee the city as insurgents approach.
Syed Sajid Bukhari (@SyedSajidBukh16) August 15, 2021
One video shared to Twitter shows a woman who is afraid and tells the camera: "Taliban have entered this city and we are fleeing." Everyone is afraid.