Kal-El could have been in The Suicide Squad, who would have thought? James Gunn wanted this to become a reality. Gunn revealed that Superman was the first big villain for the film, instead of Starro The Conqueror in a recent interview.
The Suicide Squad director James Gunn mentioned that he once thought The Suicide Squad should be fighting Superman on the Script Apart podcast. He goes on to explain why Starro was a better choice.
That was an interesting story. Starro was my idea. He's a comic book favorite. He's both ridiculous and scary, which makes him a great comic book character. He does something that is quite scary. When I was a kid, he used to freak me out by putting facehuggers on Superman or Batman. He was a major DC villain that would probably never be seen in another film. If they did, it would have been a black-cloud version of Starro. This is not a giant starfish walking, but a bright, cerulean-blue kaiju, this outrageously large, bright bad guy.
Gunn believed Starro was a better choice, and he also talks about how Superman still feels its way around DCEU. There were many questions at the time like "Who is Superman in DCEU?" Gunn stated that this movie is not within the DCEU. I wanted to tell a good tale.
What movie with Superman as the antagonist would The Suicide Squad be? Comment below!
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