George Takei draws a line on vaccines -- he says those who choose not to have the jab should be denied priority care if they become sick with COVID.
Star Trek's "Star Trek" actor came out swinging Friday with his hot take. He wrote: "The willfully ignorant who end up in hospitals in Covid should not be given priority medical care over those very sick or injured who are equally in urgent need."
Anti-vaxxers believe they are taking over liberals by refusing vaccination. This is a massive self-owning, as the kids will tell you. George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 13, 2021 @GeorgeTakei
GT then tweeted the following: "Anti-vaxxers believe they are owning liberals by refusing vaccination. This is a great self-owning, as the kids will tell you.
This do-or-die attitude has caused some criticism. Others have pointed out that there are many people who aren't vaccinated due to a variety reasons. George suggests here that they should not be urged to do so. Instead of calling for their exclusion, they suggest there needs to be more education and outreach on vaccine safety.
We live in the age of dummies. George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 13, 2021 @GeorgeTakei
George, along with others who have called for unvaccinated people to be denied privileges, seems to be done talking and convincing. The data is available.