YouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXYouTube/FXMany Ars employees are huge fans of What We Do In the Shadows, FX’s Emmy-nominated supernatural comedy series. S2 also made our best TV list last season. FX has just released the trailer for its eagerly awaited third series. The network also gave the show an early S4 renewal so we will be seeing plenty more undead shenanigans by our favorite band of bumbling, bloodsuckers.(Spoilers below for the first two seasons.As I have previously written, Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement, and their vampire roommates Viago (Waititi), were the creators, directors, and stars in the original horror-comedy from 2014. Their nocturnal nature means that they and their vampire pals have not adapted well to modern life. This is why the film's humor comes from their mishaps in navigating mundane trivialities of 21st-century life.FX's adaptation takes place in New York City's Staten Island. Nandor (Kayvannovak), Laszlo, Nadja (Natasia Delmetriou), and Guillermo (Harvey Guillen) are their vampire "roommates" along with an "energy vampire", Colin (Mark Proksch). They've fought with werewolves, tried to hang out and socialize with Manhattan vampires and attended their first Super Bowl party (adding that it was a "Superb Owl" party). Mark Hamill appeared in S2 as Jim, a vampire-wielding vengeful. Colin, the energy vampire, discovered that he could use online trolling to consume negative energy virtually and could therefore engage in online trolling.There is an overall narrative arc. This is due to the fact that the four vampire protagonists are outcasts within the vampire community. S1 began with roommates preparing to welcome The Baron, an ancient vampire. They accidentally killed him by exposing him too much sunlight. This led to the Vampire Council's fury. Guillermo discovered that he was secretly a descendant of Van Helsing the notorious vampire slayer.Guillermo showed his ability to kill vampires by killing a lot of them at the Nouveau Thtre Des Vampires in the S2 finale. To save his vampire housemates, who were being held captive and sentenced by the Council to death, he did this. You can be sure there will be some consequences. According to the official S3 synopsisAdvertisementThe shocking finale of season 2 leaves the housemates in panic over Guillermo, a vampire killer. The vampires will be confronted with the vampire from whom all vampires descend, as well as a tempting Siren and werewolf kickball, Atlantic City casino, wellness cults and ex-girlfriends. Colin Robinson will be 100. Nandor is faced with an eternal-life crisis and tries to give his life more meaning. Is he going to find love, or will he be an immortal bachelor with 37 ex wives?Guillermo would think the vampire crew would be enough grateful to him to grant his most heartfelt wish and make him a vampire. Guillermo's hopes are dashed once more. They don't even know that he is a descendant from Van Helsing. The Vampiric Council is now under the control of the vampires. This leads to a contest between Nadja and Nandor over who will sit on the throne of Supreme Leader.The trailer shows us the usual shenanigans like the vampires learning all about vacuum cleaners or escalators. What is going on? "Am I flying?" Nadja exclaims.) Nandor accidentally sets Colin ablaze, interrupting a wintry game of werewolf-kickball. Nandor shouts "Bazinga!" in jubilation.Deadline Hollywood was informed by Paul Simms, executive producer of S4, that the show will focus more on Guillermo’s family history. Simms said that you will meet Guillermos entire family in Episode 4 of S4." "Will you find out that if he is Van Helsing-descended, the rest of his family will be as well. We haven't yet shot this. In S4, we also find out that Guillermo feels the effects of dedicating ten years to these vampires, neglecting his family and his responsibilities towards them. We also see how he attempts to make amends.The premiere of the first two episodes on What We Do In the Shadows S3 will air on FX September 2, 2021. Next-day streaming will be available on Hulu. S4 will debut next year.Listing image by YouTube/FX