August 14, 2021 5 minutes readThis article was translated using AI technology from the Spanish edition. This process may cause errors.Entrepreneur contributors do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed.Did you know that sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and weight gain. It can also accelerate the aging process.Sleep is vital for health and happiness. However, many people have experienced an increase in anxiety, stress, and insomnia due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Reyes Haro Valencia is the president emeritus of the Mexican Sleep Society. The Survey of the 2021 Wellness Diagnosis of Willis Towers Watson reveals that 64% of Mexican employers believe that the pandemic will have an adverse effect on the productivity of their employees. 80% of them think it will have a negative effect on their well-being (physical, emotional, and financial well being). Stress is the biggest problem workers face.Tila arises is a personal well being app that helps you manage stress at work and in your personal life. It will give you a guide to help you relax and get better rest.Christian Rojas founded this app with 300 guided meditations and programed meditations. You can use the app to learn how to meditate anywhere you are. You will also find Binaural sounds, which are two tones that have slightly different frequencies and aim to reduce stress.It also has original content in story format. Narrated by Edgar Vivar, the actor, this will transport you to a place of calm, reflection, and tranquility that will help you to reduce stress and anxiety, and help you regain sleep.Depositphotos.comInternational Day of RelaxationOne of the greatest secrets to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is relaxation. The International Day of Relaxation is Sunday, August 15. This date is meant to bring awareness about how important it is to incorporate relaxation techniques into our lives, and how to cope with daily stress and anxiety.Tila is invited to this celebration. Tila is, as Christian puts it, "more than just a recreational activity. Relaxing is vital for our minds and bodies and goes beyond reading a book, watching a movie or going for walks."Relaxation is our natural state. It helps to balance metabolism, heart rate and respiration, and relieves psychological and muscular tensions that build up over time.Meditation and mindfulness are like exercises. Consistent practice helps you to develop a skill. In this case, it is to stay present and try to get your head and thoughts to where they want to be, in the now and here. This allows us to learn to disconnect for a while, to isolate thoughts or situations that could cause concern, "said Gina Chapa, a psychiatrist and specialist in Tila.What can we do to improve our relaxation?Reduce muscle tensionEncourages fatigue recoveryIt helps us restRestful SleepReduces stress, fatigue, and insomniaLower blood pressureFeels good and well-beingHelps improve self-esteemReduce stress and anxietyIt encourages the breaking down of negative thoughts that recur.Photo: Tila appHow can you relax?Many techniques and activities can be used to promote relaxation. Experts recommend that you start with some simple relaxation techniques, such as meditations, breathing exercises and listening to peaceful sounds. This will make it easier to relax, and will eventually help you to get your thoughts back from the chaos. Chapa says that it is important to allow ourselves time for recreation, rest and to remember that not all responsibilities are equal.What sets Tila apart from other apps? Christian Rojas is the founder of Tila. He says it operates under a freemium model with a very low subscription cost that ranges from 75 pesos a month to 699 pesos a year. Additionally, Mexicans recorded the sounds of nature such as rain and forest.Tila has been downloaded over 50,000 times. You can download it for Android or IOS. It also comes with free content, so you can get started testing it.