Trey Parker, Matt Stone and their friends are getting the keys of a Colorado restaurant that was featured in "South Park." The real Casa Bonita is now theirs and they made the deal quickly.The creators of "South Park" announced Friday that they have reached a deal to buy the Mexican restaurant in Colorado. They broke the news during an interview with Colorado Governor. Jared Polis.Bob Wheaton, president of Casa Bonita’s parent company Summit Family Restaurant Inc., told TMZ... The deal was done very quickly. Talks heated up Wednesday during a conference with Trey and Matt reps.Trey and Matt laid out a detailed plan to grow the business. This included investing in resources to expand the food and gift shop, and the arcade at Casa Bonita.We first mentioned that Casa Bonita's corporate owners were not interested in selling Casa Bonita as recently as 2 week ago, despite having filed for bankruptcy. But Wheaton tells us Trey & Matt got Casa Bonita for two main reasons.We were first told Trey and Matt offered Casa Bonita at a fair price. The exact amount is not known, but Summit would have wanted it in the future.We were also told that Trey and Matt had made a deal to lease the restaurant from its landlord. This was something corporate could not do since March, which led to the bankruptcy filing.We were told that Casa Bonita is now in the best hands of its new owners. It sounds like everyone is happy.