Scientists discover 2 new species of Dinosaur in ChinaClick to enlarge the image. Caption SCIEPRO/Science Photo Library/Getty Images SCIEPRO/Science Photo Library/Getty ImagesWhat could be better than a huge, plant-eating dinosaur. Of course, there are two dinosaurs.Two new species of dinosaur were discovered by scientists in China after they examined fossils from China's northwest region. Two of the specimens they discovered were previously unknown species, according to Scientific Reports.According to the study, the dinosaurs were some of the first vertebrates reported in the area. This "increased the diversity of fauna as well as information on Chinese sauropods," the study states.Scientists believe the species lived between 120 and 130 million years ago during the early Cretaceous period. Both were sauropods. This is a group of plant-eating dinosaurs with long necks, which includes brachiosaurus.Scientists called the species Silutitan Sinensis or "silu", which is Mandarin for "Silk Road"), and Hamititan xinjiangensis, after the location where the fossil specimen was discovered in Xinjiang.Both names may have the word "titan", the Greek for "giant", in them. Researchers estimate that the Silutitan and Hamititian species were over 70 feet respectively. The blue whale, which is the largest living animal on Earth today, can be anywhere from 75 to 100 feet.Josie Fischels interns at NPR's News Desk.