After BuzzFeed News investigated Snopes's claim to be the best fact-checking site on the internet, 60 articles were retracted. The sites founder, who has been known for its reputation as being the most reliable, copied content from news outlets in an attempt to increase web traffic.Vinny Green, Snopes chief operating officers, stated that the staff were shocked and devastated by the news. He stated that the Snopes editorial staff was reviewing articles by David Mikkelson (the sites co-founder, chief executive) to determine how many of them featured plagiarized content from other news sites.He said that the team had discovered 60 articles as of Friday afternoon. According to Mr. Green, the team had removed dozens of articles from the site by Friday morning. Pages that used those articles were now showing the word "retracted" and the explanation that some or all the content was taken from other sources.Snopes Media Group's owner of 50 percent, Mr. Mikkelson will remain as chief executive. However, his right to publish articles has been suspended, Mr. Green stated.