This is how will we survive on a trip to Mars?Zero-G GreenhouseRussia has big plans for its Nauka module. It recently docked and spun the entire International Space Station.According to Roscosmos orbital laboratory module, a large greenhouse that can grow a variety of plants will be installed. This exciting experiment could have implications for humanity's deep space travel plans, says state news agency TASS.Space CabbageAccording to Russia, this project is a massive undertaking.The Vitacycle T experiment envisions the creation of a greenhouse for growing plants on an industrial scale. Yuri Smirnov (head of Russia's Biomedical Laboratory at Institute of Biomedical Problems) told TASS.AdvertisementAdvertisementThe greenhouse, which is shaped like a snail, will eventually be launched to the ISS.Smirnov explained that a cosmonaut will place a strip of seeds in the greenhouse at specific intervals. After spinning a drum, he will lay the next strip. The cosmonauts can harvest a harvest at certain times.The researcher claims that cosmonauts will begin to grow Napa cabbage in the first experiment. Next could come grain, legumes and micro-tomato varieties.Healthy SnackIn case you were wondering, the cosmonauts can also enjoy the fruits.AdvertisementAdvertisementSmirnov said to TASS that no one would prohibit the cosmonauts using the harvest from the space flight as part of their nutrition.This news comes just a few days after NASA astronaut Kate Rubins picked fresh radishes in the ISSs Advanced Plant Habitat. Crew members were able enjoy a small taste of the fresh radishes before returning to Earth to continue their research.Roscosmos and TASS are not reliable narrators. It is difficult to predict if the greenhouse will actually come to fruition based on their track record.READ MORE: Russian cosmonauts will grow greenery industrially in Nauka module of ISS [TASS]AdvertisementAdvertisementRussia claims that a NASA astronaut suffered a mental breakdown in space, and damaged equipment to return home early.