How to hide photos on an iPhone

iPhones have so many features that it can be difficult to keep track of them all, and sometimes even to know they exist. We hear ya. Some of these features can prove to be very useful.Did you know that you can hide photos from your iPhone? Hidden photo albums can also be created on iPhones. You should use the "Hide photo" feature of your iPhone. This is not because it's available. Mashable is a big fan of privacy and can see multiple reasons why someone might wish to hide their iPhone photos. Let's go over them.Why would anyone hide photos?Let's start with the obvious: Nudes. Is yours? Someone else's? That's fine. Many people take them! Do you feel secure knowing that your iPhone is lost or stolen and someone else has access to your private photos?My iPhone is lost at least twice per day and I rarely leave my house. You want to make it as difficult for others to find your photos in the event that you lose you phone.Perhaps you don't worry about losing your phone or strangers viewing your photos. Perhaps you are more worried about sharing with your friends cool photos and not accidentally scrolling past a photo of your butthole. It happens.There are many apps that can be used to hide nudes or other safe ways to store sensitive images on your iPhone. However, you don't have to worry if you use the "Hide Photo” feature of your iPhone.You may not want to hide nudes photos from your iPhone. You might not take any photos at all. That's okay. But consider the other options. You may have taken a picture of something you wish to gift someone else for holidays, birthdays or other special occasions. If you are with the person, don't let them accidentally discover their gift on your phone. When it comes to hiding photos, this is a clever move that keeps surprise presents an "actual" surprise.You may have a secret stash of selfies that you don't want anyone to see. Although we aren't anti-selfie, if you enjoy taking selfies but don't want them to be in an easily accessible place, a hidden album for your iPhone might be the perfect place.How to hide iPhone photosNavigate to your iPhone's photo gallery to find the photo you wish to hide. Tap the "Select" button in the upper righthand corner. Next, tap the photo to select it.Next, tap the "Share” icon in the bottom left corner. This is a small box with an upward-pointing arrow inside. You don't have to click this icon to share your photos.Scroll down past the share options, and tap "Hide", marked with an eyeball symbol and a line running through it.Andy moser, Credit for "Hide Photo" featureTap "Hide Photo" when prompted.This photo or selection will be added to your "Hidden Album." You can find it by clicking on your photos, scrolling down under the "Utilities", and looking for "Hidden," marked by the same eyeball icon.To see hidden photos on your iPhone, tap "Hidden".Credit to andy moser: Where can I find my "Hidden album"?How about creating a hidden album for your iPhone?You might not be satisfied hiding photos. Perhaps you want to create and navigate hidden albums with your iPhone. Here's what to do if that is the case:Scroll down to "Photos" in your iPhone settings. Scroll down in your "Photos” settings to the "Hidden Album" section. You'll see a toggle just to the right.The toggle will turn green, meaning that the "Hidden Album", not the photos, will be listed under "Utilities" on your "Albums tab. The hidden album will not appear under "Utilities" as it did before when "Hidden Album” is turned off. This means that no one can access your secret photos. It is possible to turn it off without worrying about your hidden photos being deleted. Your hidden photo album will remain the same as before you turn it on.How to make your Hidden Album "on" or "off" Credit: andy MoserIt is possible for someone to gain access to your photos by knowing all of the information in this article about how to hide photos from an iPhone. iPhones' "Hide Photo” feature is not 100% foolproof. For that, Apple would have to implement some sort of passcode/fingerprint/facial ID security system to restrict access to hidden photos. We are not there yet.It's still a good idea to use the "Hide Photo iPhone" feature, as there's always a chance someone might not know the information. The "Hide photo" feature is still a great option. It's free and you won't have to pay anything so it's worth it.This article was originally published January 2021 and updated August 2021.Related Video: These are our 5 favourite iOS 14 features so far