A superintendent claimed that a father of an elementary school student attacked a teacher in a dispute about a mandate for masks on the first day school in California.According to police, they are currently investigating the incident at Sutter Creek Elementary School that took place on Wednesday. The case will be reviewed by the district attorney, who will decide whether criminal charges should be filed against the parent.BuzzFeed News reported that Torie Gibson, superintendent of Amador County Unified Schools District, believes that the father should face a felony charge.Gibson sent a letter to the families informing them that a parent verbally attacked a principal, which led to a serious physical altercation between the principal and the teacher.She wrote that assaulting staff members will not be tolerated at any school campus and would be prosecuted to all extent of the law.Gibson admitted in an interview that parents are "very divided" about the state-mandated policy requiring all staff and students to wear masks indoors."We can have our differences. She said, "But we cannot have violence on school campuses."Gibson stated that the father of the student arrived late to pick his daughter up and arrived about an hour after the school had closed on Wednesday.Gibson stated that his daughter and principal, who were both masked, came out of school after Gibson saw other staff members in the teachers lounge who weren't masked. The policy doesn't require teachers to wear masks if there aren't students nearby.Gibson was not present at the incident but was told by Gibson that the father shouted at the principal asking why his daughter needed to wear a mask. He also said that there were "double standards." Gibson said that he said things such as "kids treated like animals."Continue the storyThe father called the school district office after the principal left and shouted at Gibson's staff about the mask mandate.Then, he returned to campus and went to her office. She said that he was happy to do so.After witnessing the verbal altercation before, a male teacher followed the father, realizing that she was the only one in her office.Gibson stated that the father approached Gibson and continued to confront Gibson over the mask mandate. Gibson claims that the father struck multiple times the teacher when he intervened to protect the principal.Another staff member called police after the father left campus. According to Sutter Creek Police Department, officers were dispatched at the school for a disturbance between a parent (and a staff member) concerning COVID-19 procedures.Gibson stated that the teacher suffered from "couple of facial and head lacerations, bruising on his forehead, and a large knot in his back." He was released from the hospital later that night.Gibson claimed that Gibson offered time off to the teacher after the "pretty traumatizing" incident. However, he was back at work Thursday. She said, "He cares about the children."Gibson stated that Gibson will send Gibson a letter informing the parent that he isn't allowed to be on the school campus.She said that the incident had left school staff feeling "unsettled". They are worried. They are afraid.She stated that threats made to her over community mandates for masks have been reported to authorities. Gibson stated that staff members reached out to several law enforcement agencies to request increased security around schools, "at minimum until the dust settles."Gibson wrote to the families to remind them that they weren't the ones who made the rules and mandates but they had to enforce them in order to keep schools open.Gibson wrote, "We know emotions can be intense and conversations can get heated." "I beg that all emotions are put aside and we look at the best interests of students."Gibson stated to BuzzFeed News, that guidelines regarding masks are changing constantly without considering the effects on school staff.She stated that educators are not considered frontline workers even though they have been since the beginning of the pandemic. "We have taken the most severe hits across the board without receiving the most support, and this is the perfect illustration of that. It has been a difficult 18 months.During the pandemic, there were many verbal and even violent confrontations over mask-wearing. This politicization has often resulted in the death of essential workers.Anger and confusion at the renewed push to wear masks due to the deadly Delta virus has led to many anti-mask protests, often led by angry parents who are tired of having to cover their children.Arizona, Texas and Florida Republican leaders have stopped schools from implementing mask mandates in their states. However, some school districts continue to defy their orders. Governor. Florida is currently facing one of the most severe COVID epidemics in the nation. Ron DeSantis threatened with withholding salaries for school leaders who violate his order against mask mandates.Gibson wrote to parents urging them not to let their emotions take over."If there is anything more I can ask of you this schoolyear, it is this. Take a deep breath, take a pause, listen and then walk away, if needed.Continue reading