A recent survey found that nearly three-quarters of 10 employees would leave their jobs if they were told they could not work remotely. A Harvard Business Study also found that employees who are allowed to choose where and when they work, whether it be in another city or the middle of the night, increase productivity and reduce turnover.Insightly's turnover rate was lowest in company history for the past 18 months. An internal survey also found that happiness levels were twice as high as the previous year. In the midst a major pandemic and multiple social movements, forest fires, and disruptive elections, this is remarkable.You don't need to work 9-5 if your employees are always available to your customers when they are most in need.Employers from all over the globe are realizing the same thing on a global scale: It doesn't take an office to be productive, and it is more enjoyable for employees to work from home.Next is a radical shift in how companies operate for more than 100 years. It involves a 180-degree shift from the way they have managed their operations. We have renounced our Soma office space of 40,000 square feet and employees can work anywhere in the United States with the same salary.There will be challenges. These challenges bring tremendous opportunity. These are some tried-and-true tips to help you maintain your productivity and deliver flexibility using this new model of work:Reinvest overhead savingsEmployees should be able to choose where they want to live. This will improve their lives and result in happier, more engaged employees. Most companies' largest operating expense is overhead costs. This is especially true in large cities like San Francisco. This large sum of money can be used to invest in employee happiness. To be successful, you don't need to have thousands of square feet of office space.What about that huge overhead cost you just eliminated? This can be used to create more meaningful experiences for employees that will improve their lives.