The Field of Dreams Game, like most things in baseball these days caused a tense debate with those who were old enough to have seen Zeppelin live. Field of Dreams is a movie that most of us enjoyed as kids. But then, we see the flaws in it and realize it's trying to communicate something it doesn't mean.AdvertisementIt's fine if the movie is your favorite. It's okay if you don't. It is not debatable that MLB would create an event on the basis of a movie that does not apply to anyone below 40. It's not strange, it's just what MLB is known for. It was a perfect symbolism for Kevin Costner to wander around the field for three mins, as if he forgot where the CVS is and his children must go get him on the park bench.It's a winner if you look at it through the same lens as the NHL Winter Classic, especially last year's one in Lake Tahoe. It was a beautiful sunset. Tim Anderson's landing in the cornfield as a walk-off will be relived many times. Both of these are possible.If the goal was to bring baseball back to its roots...I don't know. This would be incredibly arrogant of an organization like MLB, which has evicted affiliated baseball from 40 towns this year. I don't get as upset as other people about this because those towns can start their own independent leagues if they so desire. But I understand the difficulties. Baseball's roots don't play in the middle of nowhere. They would rather play in a suburb or city park if they desired that. That's why the Little League World Series exists.Rany Jazayeril is right to say that MLB should not be afraid to put games in interesting and different settings each year. Each MLB team has the ability to sacrifice 2-3% of their home schedule in order to do something different. It might seem a bit heavy handed to bring baseball back to small towns after MLBs excision of the minor leagues, but Rany said that Major League Games in areas they have never been before or not in a while would still be an interesting story. One in Brooklyn. Rany also suggests Alaska. Mexico, as they have done. The Yankees and Red Sox could play in the middle of Connecticut. Or, the Red Sox can play on Cape Cod.Because there is so much of it, baseball has the most flexible schedule. It has the lowest chance of losing a few games, so it is most appealing to every team. Even if it was to limit minor league cities to places with acceptable facilities only, then almost every place should be able host a few MLB games.AdvertisementLet's now see two MLB teams where hitters try to get a free steak by hitting the fuckin bull.Ruck Yes!If you're doing things that allow leagues to play a game that is true to the spirit of the game, it might be time for the NBA and Rucker Park to host a game. Although older sportswriters might choose to watch a movie about altacockers at a gym in Indiana, the playground is what makes basketball great. Rucker is the most well-known playground. Weather can be an issue in Harlem, but it shouldn't be a problem for late October.AdvertisementRucker hosts a tournament each summer that draws NBA players. It is huge. It should be bigger. Let's see the Knicks hosting Nets on Opening Night or close to it. This would truly be basketball returning home.Unless the Lakers are willing to host a game in which Wesley Snipes said to Woody Harrelson, that wind can shift a ball 6-8 inches to either the left or right. Rucker is more possible.