"Ingenuity's aerial images are amazing, but even more when you get to play Wheres Perseverance?Going HigherNASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity flew to record heights on August 4.This four-pound rotorcraft's latest excursion shows that it has successfully made the transition from a technological demonstration to a full fledged scientific endeavor. It also snapped a stunning photo while it was doing so.Where is Percy?Ingenuity flew at an altitude of 39 feet during the flight. This allowed it to see the Perseverance Rover, which is much larger than the space agency.NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab is using the images to help them decide where to drive their rover next. However, the engineers had some fun with the new shots.AdvertisementAdvertisementRobert Hogg, NASA's deputy mission manager for Perseverance, stated that Ingenuity's aerial images are amazing but even more so when you can play Wheres Perseverance? You can see details such as the wheels and remote sensing mast on our rover if you zoom in.Perseverance can indeed be seen as a tiny speck at the top of a new image taken by Ingenuity 1,600 feet away.Its 11th flight enabled it to stay ahead of Perseverance, and ensure it is heading in the right direction.We can't wait to see Ingenuity continue breaking records.AdvertisementAdvertisementREAD MORE: NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Identifies Perseverance Rover from Above. Can You See It? [NASA]NASA is already working on a bigger, better Mars Helicopter