A few Republicans, including Senator Mitt Romney from Utah and Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, said that they would support charging companies for carbon dioxide they produce. This strategy, which economists believe would provide a strong incentive to reduce emissions, is supported by economists. However, neither man supports such a measure in any way.A majority of Republican legislators support less aggressive solutions to climate change, such as planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide more efficiently or tax credits for businesses that capture carbon dioxide after it is released into the atmosphere by power plants and industrial sites.They are opposed to any program that reduces emissions in a meaningful way, stated David G. Victor (co-director of Deep Decarbonization Initiative at University of California, San Diego).Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana was instrumental in the creation of the $1 trillion infrastructure package, which the Senate approved this week. He also ensured that it included billions to help coastal states withstand sea level rise due to climate change. Cassidy stated that he will not support policies to reduce the amount of oil being drilled off Louisiana's coast. This is because the burning of this oil is contributing to rising seas and melting ice caps.We can't live without fossil fuels and chemicals. That is the end of the story. Mr. Cassidy wants to increase exports of liquefied gas. This gas is produced in Louisiana, emits half as much carbon dioxide as coal, but also has methane, which makes it a greenhouse gas that is even more potent in short-term.North Dakota Republican Senator Kevin Cramer admitted that climate change is responsible for the severe droughts that have decimated crops and livestock this summer. However, he stated that the gases produced by fossil fuels should be the goal, not the fuels.