Superman and Lois CWSuperman and Lois are heading into their season 1 finale. I have seen how the back half has played out and it is clear that I am coming to a very clear conclusion.This show must be saved from the clutches by the CW.Warner Bros. has been doing a steady thing for a while with many of its CW series. The deal that allows them to go straight to Netflix once their seasons are over is the best. They are sure making a lot of money from this deal.Yet, the Arrowverse is slowly dying. Arrow is gone, Supergirl, Black Lightning, and Legends are all ending. Batwoman, The Flash, and The Flash are also losing cast members. Superman and Lois are the only bright spots. They were created from Supergirls' Superman series and seem to be a quality at least a notch above the soapier, lower-budget Arrowverse series before them.Superman and Lois Dean Buscher/The CWLois and Superman are being hampered by the fact that Superman is a CW series at its core. This means that Superman and Lois will continue to face two of the same problems as many other CW shows. The CW has stuck to the idea of very, very long seasons. They are not as long as they used to be with 20-24 episodes, but they are close. Superman and Lois are on the shorter end, with only 15 episodes. Yet that too felt too long. It felt like the season's finale had happened four episodes ago. The rest of the episode has been stretched for no reason. Most streaming series are only 8-10 episodes per season. While all CW shows could benefit from trimming down, Superman & Lois are better at baseline than others. This format is actually only hurting the production value and performances, which are mostly there.Another part of this is that the CW takes frequent breaks, which feels absurd in these days of streaming. Not every show has to be a one-season binge. It feels very dated to break up a series with missing weeks. This has really crippled this season's Superman and Lois with two weeks of missed episodes in the last four episodes. Another CW trademark was the huge gap in middle. The series began in February and ended in August. This season should have been 10 episodes and only lasted two-and-a-half months. Not seven. You can blame the pandemic, but this is how most CW shows go.Superman and Lois are already half of an HBO Max show. It was created in part for that channel post-release. It needs to make the transition, as rival DC shows like Titans or Doom Patrol are returning to Max. It can be aired weekly. But you should cut down the seasons and run them consecutively with no breaks. This CW schedule is a disaster. If the Arrowverse cannot be saved, you can at least get the most promising series.Follow me on Twitter and Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Subscribe to God Rolls, my weekly content roundup newsletter.My sci-fi novels, The Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy are available on audiobook.