The challenge coin's front and back faces. Phoenix Police/Ballard Spahr LLCSome Phoenix officers circulated a coin depicting a protester being shot in their groin after the 2017 protests.After a Trump rally, the coin was shared. It read: "Making America great again, one nut at time."The punishment for the police chief was harsh.For more stories, visit Insider's homepage.After it was discovered that Phoenix Police Department's chief had circulated a "MAGA-styled" challenge coin, some officers were convicted of shooting anti-Trump protesters in their groins.According to a new report, officers shared these coins after the 2017 visit by then-President Donald Trump. "Challenge Coins" are commemorative coins that are distributed between military personnel and police, often in connection to a heroic act.According to the City of Phoenix's Thursday report, the coin contained the phrase "Good Night Left Nut," which is strikingly like a phrase used in neo-Nazi groups "Good Night Left Side."These were distributed among officers in the wake of protests against Trump's August 22, 2017 rally. This was a time of tension.A week prior, white nationalists gathered in Charlottesville (Virginia) for the "Unite the Right", rally that was rife of antisemitic, neo-Nazi sentiment.Protesters in Charlottesville (Virginia) on August 11, 2017. Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty ImagesAccording to the Associated Press, protests against Trump's visit in Phoenix turned violent with police using pepper spray on the crowds.Joshua Cobin was among the crowds. He was arrested for kicking a smoke bomb at police officers. According to the report, they responded by shooting a powder round into Cobin's groin. This viral image showed Cobin being injured quickly.The city's report stated that the image was included onto the coin. It read "Making America Great Again One Nute at a Time". On the other side, it echoed the pro-Trump slogan "Make America Great again." The report stated that it was evident that officers had understood the political implications.Continue the storyThe report concluded that the coin, along with its derogatory depiction on the coin of a protestor who was injured while protesting against Trump, could be seen as conveying both discredit of protest activity and endorsement of Trump.Left: The challenge coin's one side, which says "Good Night Left Nut." Right: A neo Nazi emblem that says "Good evening left side." Phoenix Police/Ballard Spahr LLPThe report stated that the striking resemblance of the reverse of the coin with the phrase "Good Night Left Nut" was a coincidence and that officers were unaware of it.According to the report, the person responsible for designing the coin was not identified. According to the report, Phoenix PD was "aware" of the challenge coin in real-time and had taken limited investigative steps.Jeri Williams, chief of police, was reprimanded for her actions. She said that the incident had "damaged" the reputation of the department and suggested she take "immediate steps to correct the mistakes."Williams confirmed that the report did not name any officer who would be permitted to serve in the Tactical Response Unit of the force, which is responsible for police protests. Williams also stated that no one recommended for a senior position or allowed to be in the Tactical Response Unit. Williams was also instructed to update hate speech guidelines.Phoenix, along with the coin investigation, requested another report on the heavy-handed charging of protesters at 2017 protest as gang members.Fox 10 Phoenix reported that Williams was suspended from duty for one day and that a police sergeant as well as three assistant chiefs were reassigned.Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix stated that she was "disheartened" and "deeply disappointed" by the report's findings.Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, the city's police union released a statement affirming that they stand with the department. Fox10 Phoenix reported that they are currently reviewing the findings and determining whether disciplinary actions against certain Phoenix officers are justified.Insider has the original article.