People with compromised immune systems will be able to receive a third dose from the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations, according to the Food and Drug Administration. This group was granted an additional shot by the agency after they amended the emergency authorizations for each vaccine.The two standard doses of coronavirus vaccine are usually sufficient to produce enough antibodies to fight it off. Research over the last few months has shown that many immunocompromised patients make very few or no antibodies. Some patients might need a third shot to boost their production of antibodies. Since April, French officials have recommended that these patients receive a third dose.On Friday, the Center for Disease Control and Preventions Advisory Committee on Immunizing Practices will vote on whether to recommend a third shot for this organization. Boosters were discussed at the June and July meetings. Many members supported the idea during those discussions.Only people who have had solid organ transplants, or are suffering from similar immune-system impairments, will be able to get their booster doses removed. The agency didn't provide any further information about what conditions might be eligible. This change does not open up third shots for otherwise healthy adults. It is still unclear when and if those might be required.