Oregon quietly eliminates all standards in reading, writing, and math for getting a high-school diploma

The two articles (and other sources) below indicate that Governor Kate Brown of Oregon quietly signed a bill to eliminate the requirement that students demonstrate minimum proficiency in math, reading, and writing to graduate high school. To demonstrate proficiency, students have had to take five tests or complete a classroom project that was evaluated by their teachers. These requirements are no longer necessary. You can still graduate if you're both technically innumerate or illiterate. Below are the two sources that I used for this post:The Oregonian. . . Yahoo! News:The governor signed the law, which was more strongly supported by Democrats than it was criticized by Republicans. She also refused to comment on the signing and did not give any publicity to the event. However, other bills that were passed simultaneously were entered into the legislative database. Email notifications were sent to anyone who had been following the bills. This bill, Senate Bill 744 was not. The OregonianGov. Kate Brown was hesitant to say whether she supported the Legislature's plan to remove the requirement that students prove they have these essential skills earlier in the summer. On July 14, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 744 into Law. Friday's signing ceremony was conducted by a spokesperson. Brown declined to comment further on the law or explain why she supports suspending proficiency requirements. Brown's decision was not made public until recently because her office didn't hold a signing ceremony nor issue a press release. Also, the fact that Brown signed the bill wasn't entered into the legislative databases until July 29, which is a deviation from the usual practice of updating the public databank the day after a bill has been signed was not recorded in the legislative database. The Oregonian/OregonLive inquired at the governor's office when Browns staff informed the Legislature she had signed the bill. Charles Boyle was the deputy communications director for the governor. He said that the governor's staff informed the legislative staff on the same day as the governor signed the bill.It is easy to believe that the governor and her staff are concealing this bill. But the press learned about it, probably from Republicans who voted against. They have every reason to keep the bill silent, since it eliminates all educational standards.You might be able to guess the reason why this bill was passed. You don't have to guess as the staff of the governor told us.The Oregonian/OregonLive inquired about the time Browns staff informed the Legislature she had signed the bill. Charles Boyle was the governor's deputy communications director. He said that the governor's staff informed the legislative staff on the same day as the governor signed the bill. Boyle emailed a statement stating that the state would suspend the reading, writing, and math proficiency requirements while it develops new graduation standard. This will benefit Oregon's Black, Latino and Latinx leaders, as well as students of color.Here is Senate bill 744. The Senate bill 744 establishes a state Department of Education committee that will report back to it by September 1, 2022. It proposes new learning standards and a part of the report must contain the following. Section 3 states that proficiency in essential learning skills does not require a diploma. That has been extended to 2027, as I mentioned.The Oregonian however notes that this requirement will be extended for three years until 2027 graduates (my emphasis).The state should suspend Oregon's high school graduation requirements. They have been in place since 2009, but were already suspended during the pandemic. Leaders need to review the graduation requirements. The Legislature and the Oregon Board of Education must submit recommendations for new standards by September 2022. New graduation requirements will not be implemented until 2027, however, as Oregon education officials insist they won't impose any new requirements on students who have just started high school. This means that at least five additional classes could graduate without the need to prove proficiency in math or writing.As yahoo! According to news reports, the measure received bipartisan support and passed the state House 38-13 and 16-13. Although the bill was signed July 14, it is being reported right now, apparently because of a leak.What's the deal? It is clear that the elimination proficiency in essential skills is like the elimination many standardized test in high school and college entranceparts of the deconstruction of the meritocracy which goes with the desire for academic equity. I'd guess that black, Hispanic and Indigenous students didn't perform as well in graduation as white students. This, according to Ibram Kendi, is prima facie evidence for racism. You can eliminate racism by eliminating inequalities. In this instance, it is necessary to eliminate any requirement for students being numerate and literate.This will allow Oregon high school graduates to get a diploma in five years. They don't need to demonstrate any proficiency in the skills required to live in this country. The playing field is level, and all schools follow the same standards or lack thereof. Employers will no longer be able to accept a high school diploma that indicated the possessor could read, write, and do math.It will be interesting to see next year's standards from the Oregon Department of Education. These standards will depend on the student's background. What other methods will students have to show proficiency in academic content or skills that aren't related to technical and career education?Sometimes, I worry that over the next decades, equity will lead to the elimination of all standards. I believe it is better to address the root problem: providing equal opportunities for all Americans starting at birth. This is far more effective than trying to fix the invidious problem of inequality.According to the old saying, a rising tide lifts all waters, but an Oregon tide is a falling tide that will engulf all watercraft in the mud.