According to MacRumors images, Apple is updating icons for its macOS versions of its iWork applications. These icons are part of macOS 12 Monterey beta 5, which handles the display and collaboration links in apps like iMessage.Pages, Numbers and Keynote icons are found in Pages and Numbers and Keynote icons in macOS MontereyGiven their small size, the images of the new macOS iWork icons are low-resolution. However, it is clear that they combine the flat design and solid colors of the iWork icons introduced with iOS 7. and the macOS version introduced for Big Sur in December 2020, which have more photorealistic elements.Current iOS iWork icons Current iOS iWork iconThe macOS 12 Monterey Pages icon retains its orange theme, the 45 degree angle of the pen and the written line of iOS-style Pages icons. However, it replaces the flat pen glyph by a more realistic-looking, white pen. This is in contrast to the macOS Pages icon, which features an orange pen on a pad of white paper.The Numbers icon for Monterey will move from the graph paper background to the solid background of the iOS Numbers icons. It uses a white version, with shadows for bars, of the bar chart that can be seen on the macOS icon. The iOS number icons do not have the line below the bars.Current macOS iWork icons Current macOS iWork iconThe new Keynote icon has the same background blue as the iOS Keynote icon, rather than the slide grid view of macOS icons. The current macOS Keynote icon's podium and pie chart document look identical, however the color of the podium has been changed to white.When macOS 12 Monterey is released later this year, the new icons will be added to the iWork apps. These icons may also be available in the iWork suite iOS alongside iOS 15.