White House advisers claim that DeSanti's constant criticisms, as well as his controversial policies, and a barrage media questions about him, led to DeSanti's constant criticisms. White House advisers also say that Biden and the team were forced to confront the Republican. Trump is not the only critic Trump has criticized.Celinda Lake, a pollster, and Biden's political advisor, stated that DeSantis is a perfect example of the opposite choice. While many voters believe Trump has been removed from the political scene, he reinforces that contrast and focuses attention on Trump's style and policies.However, political dynamics cannot be avoided and Biden's focus on DeSantis clearly raised the governor.Trump has been deplatformed on Twitter and Facebook. DeSantis is now the most likely GOP Biden candidate in 2024, if Trump does not run again. This position was fueled by Trump's pugilistic style as well as his conservative management in Florida of the coronavirus response.DeSantis is up for reelection next spring. He has made a lot of campaign cash attacking Biden's administration's coronavirus response. He even went so far as to name the nation's top infectious disease specialist, Anthony Fauci.The Biden Administration attacks Gov. DeSantis is attacked by the Biden Administration. The White House appears scared and tone deaf. Helen Aguirre Ferr was a DeSantis campaign advisor and executive director of Republican Party of Florida. Governor Gov.Ferr and DeSantis advisors and allies also criticized Biden for focusing so heavily on Florida and not saying much about Democrat-run states that have higher death rates like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.Democrats believe DeSanti's management of the current Delta variant surge is a risk because it allows Biden to question his competence as well as his seriousness in fighting a deadly disease. This criticism was used with great success against Trump according to one Biden advisor.The adviser stated that DeSantis was Trump's Mini Me. He will suffer the same fate that Trump. Many people will die and get sick, unfortunately.Democrats are also hopeful that Trump will be jealous of all the attention DeSantis gets and start criticizing his protg. But, a Trump advisor told POLITICO that it is a pipe dream.After DeSantis' July 30 threat to withhold school funds and salaries of administrators, if students have to cover up their identities without the right to a parental opt out, hostilities escalated dramatically. Biden told DeSantis and the Texas governor to get out of the way. Greg Abbott was told to get out of the way.DeSantis stated that he does not want to hear anything from Biden about Florida. Biden called DeSantis, Abbott disingenuous, and suggested that DeSantis was so small that he couldn't even recognize the Floridian's name. DeSantis suggested that Biden was an old, forgetful and doddering man.DeSantis wants the issue to be framed around parental rights. He says people don't have much to fear since Covid infections in schools are rare and serious illnesses rarer than they used to be. The White House of Biden, however, wants to label DeSantis reckless and emphasize the danger to children as well as the possibility that schools could be closed as the highly transmissible Delta strain causes an increase in Covid cases in children.Michael Caputo, Trump's Covid Response advisor and his first campaign, stated that he believes the Biden 2020 Playbook was being used against DeSantis.Caputo, who moved to Florida recently, stated that Biden is launching a DeSantis for President campaign from a 2024 perspective. They are doing the same thing to DeSantis as they did to Trump, scaring people and hiding any hope. Why is Florida being singled out so much, but they don't talk about how the virus is supposed to recede.According to Caputos' point, a University of Florida model of Covid predicts that Covid cases will reach their peak in the middle of the month and then decline steeply, even though vaccination, masking, or social distancing rates don't change. DeSantis also noted that cases are rising in mask-mandate countries. This is proof that the virus strikes in waves and government cannot do much about it.Democrats and experts in public health agree that DeSantis's mask-wearing is dangerous. This has encouraged people to disregard safety precautions. According to polls, it is also unlikely to be popular nationwide.According to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, mandatory vaccinations and mask mandates are popular among voters, but not Republicans. A poll showed that Biden's approval rating for handling the virus is 58%, which is 7 points higher than his overall job approval rating.A Kaiser Family Foundation poll Wednesday found that parents favor mask and vaccine mandates. However, a new FOX poll released Wednesday revealed that voters prefer vaccine and mask mandates for schools. The poll also showed that most voters do not want to return fully to in-person education.The polls show that Biden is on more solid ground nationally than DeSantis. This has led to the White House and its allies intensifying their sniping.John Anzalone, a Biden pollster, tweeted, Stat of the Day, DeSantis losing support among voters opposed to dyingAn earlier in the day, another Biden White House adviser attacked DeSantis via Twitter, suggesting that he was endangering children but should keep the people safe.The night before, Ron Klain, White House chief-of-staff, attacked the governor on CNN. This was Biden's first attack against DeSantis or Abbott. Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, has repeated the phrase several times and repeatedly criticised DeSantis in response to questions from the press over the past two week.Psaki suggested Wednesday that DeSantis was trying to sugar-coat a difficult situation in the state. The state requested more ventilators because hospitals were starting to overflow with sick people. DeSantis didn't know that his administration had requested ventilators."Our war isn't on DeSantis. It's on the virus. Which we are trying to kneecap, and he doesn’t seem to want to take part," Psaki responded to another media question about DeSantis or Biden during the White House press conference.Psaki also accused DeSantis of not spending enough Covid aid money on schools. However, Christina Pushaw, a spokesperson for DeSantis, said that Florida's spending was comparable to other large states. In January, Psaki accused DeSantis, in a similar manner, of not vaccinating enough people. He said that he opposed FEMA camps to distribute additional shots. But, the governor countered by saying that Florida had a higher vaccine rate than other states. Later, he accepted federal assistance.Biden allies also started an anonymous whisper campaign claiming that the state had not properly coordinated with FEMA ahead of Hurricane Season. However, state and local officials have denied the accusations. Biden allies anonymously accused DeSantis last month of failing to engage FEMA quickly enough following a condominium collapse at Surfside. However, state and local emergency management officials denied the accusation.After the condo collapse tragedy, DeSantis called for a truce with Biden. Biden visited Surfside once in a public event and met with DeSantis. The two seemed to be able to forget politics and make kind remarks about one another.The animosity grew as the virus spread to Florida, where it was responsible for nearly one fifth of all the nation's hospitalizations in the month prior. DeSantis, the only governor of either party to refuse an offer to meet with Miguel Cardona to discuss safe opening schools, is the only one.Biden has mandated mandatory vaccinations for military personnel, but has not tried to make it compulsory for federal employees. DeSantis opposes mandatory vaccinations, but encourages people to get vaccinated. DeSantis has since deemphasized vaccine outreach, however, after significant numbers of Florida's elderly population were vaccinated.Florida is ranked in the middle of the pack with half of its population having been vaccinated. Florida's death rate is also middle-class, which is despite the enormous attention DeSantis has been receiving from Democrats, experts, and pundits throughout the three waves. Out of approximately 616,000 Americans who died, almost 41,000 Floridians succumbed to Covid. The most recent spike in cases has resulted in thousands of hospitalizations, and parents are now concerned that their children may contract the virus during the new school year.DeSantis views the virus less than Biden, and says it is here to stay. People need to learn how to deal with it once it becomes a more common but less dangerous endemic illness.DeSantis is at risk of being compared to Trump who downplayed how severe the coronavirus was and said that one day it would disappear like a miracle.This is not the first person who has suggested that the virus will disappear. That person was also wrong, Dr. Cameron Webb, a White House Covid advisor.Webb stated that the Delta variant is a game changer in this conversation. This is a variant that is spreading quicker, which is hitting younger people more frequently and landing them in hospital. These are all things that I believe when you combine them. You might say, "When there's a game-changer." We must change the game.