A shocking new study has revealed that ultra-processed foods account for more than two thirds of all calories in the American diets of young Americans. Researchers are also warning that convenience may be overtaking health in terms of food choices.The analysis showed that processed foodstuffs made up 61 percent of total caloric intake for 1999. This figure jumped to 67% in 2018, and then fell to 67 percent for 2018. This is based on the survey of 33,795 children aged between 2-19 years old.Ready-to-eat and ready-to heat dishes, such as frozen pizzas, burgers, and takeouts, saw the largest increase in calories, jumping from 2.2 percent up to 11.2 percent. Sweets and snacks accounted for 10.6 percent to 12.9% of the largest increase in calories.The calories from unprocessed and minimally processed foods decreased from 28.5 percent to 23.5% during the same time period. These foods are generally healthier. The rest was made up of moderately processed foods (like cheese, canned fruits, and flavor enhancers like sugar and butter).However, not all processed foods have the same negative health effects.Fang Fang Zhang from Tufts University, a cancer epidemiologist, says that some whole grain breads or dairy foods are highly processed and healthier than others. "Processing allows food to stay fresher for longer, allows food fortification, enrichment and consumer convenience, and can enhance food safety."But, many ultra-processed foods have more sugar, salt, and fiber than the unprocessed or minimally processed foods. This is why it is worrying that children and teens are increasing their intake."The good news is that sugar-sweetened drinks accounted for only 5.3 percent of total calories consumed, down from 10.8 percent. Zhang said that this is a direct result from a concerted effort to reduce sugary drinks. More work is needed for other categories.These foods contain a lot of simple carbohydrates like sucrose and fructose and they don't usually have much fiber, vitamins, or minerals that fuel our bodies.This issue is not about blaming individuals. Research has shown that eating too many processed foods can lead to a variety of health issues including an increase in obesity and cardiovascular problems as well as certain types of cancer.These impacts can have a negative impact on a person's well-being and place greater burdens on society as a whole. Researchers say it is important to address the rise in processed food intake in children.Experts in health say that marketing, pricing, and availability are driving schools to take up ultra-processed foods at a time where dietary habits can easily be established for life.The researchers found that income and parental education had no significant effect on the amount of calories in ultra-processed foods. This is a sign of how widespread these types of food are.The new study's team wants more analysis and tracking in the future.Zhang says that food processing is an important aspect of nutrition research. "We might need to consider the possibility that ultra-processing some foods could be associated with health risk, regardless of the low nutrient profile ultra-processed food generally."The research was published in JAMA.