Although exaggerated in some ways, the movie was not far from the truth.Roland KnewRecent research has shown that the Atlantic Oceans Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which creates the Gulf Stream is on the verge of reaching a tipping point. Climate change is causing it to decrease over time. It could shut down completely and plunge large parts of North America, Europe, into freezing temperatures for hundreds or even thousands of years.As Insider points out, this is more or less what the plot of 2004's apocalypse movie The Day After Tomorrow. Although Hollywood exaggerated the result for dramatic effect, it is a warning sign that the environment may be heading in the wrong direction.Running an AMOCClimate scientist Niklas Boers recently found that it is becoming increasingly likely that the AMOC will abruptly shut down in a paper he published.This system circulates warm surface flows from the tropical areas to Europe and Greenland via Atlantic. It cools down and sinks into the ocean floor. This conveyor belt-like system would have prevented Europe and much of North America from being plunged into an ice age with freezing temperatures.AdvertisementAdvertisementIn fact, the last time that the AMOC was closed was during the most recent Ice Age. This was caused by an enormous ice lake burst, which resulted in freshwater flooding into the Atlantic.Are you doomed?Dennis Quad plays Jack Hall as a climatologist in The Day After Tomorrow. He warns that climate changes could lead to a similar ice ages. Oceanographers notice an abrupt cooling of the Atlantic Ocean that triggers superstorms and flash-freezing in New York City.It's a dramatic over-dramatization. Boers stated to Insider that this effect would take several decades and that North America will not get as cold as the movie portrays.It is still very alarming. Boers stated that if the AMOC collapses, it would be difficult to bring it back. He told Insider.AdvertisementAdvertisementREAD MORE: The Day After Tomorrow movie foretold a troubling trend: The Atlantic Oceans circulation system is becoming weaker [Insider]Continue reading: Scientists warn that the Gulf Stream may collapse, freezing North America