Google is adding an interactive periodic table to search

Google search now offers an interactive periodic table that you can use to find out more about the elements. It can be found by entering the search term periodic table, clicking on the Explore Elements button to the right of the page, or directly here.Although I was not the best in chemistry growing up, I have had lots of fun clicking on elements and learning about elements like their atomic mass, melting points, and seeing 3D models of each element. This is something I find especially cool. I have clicked on each element and it includes a brief fact about the element. For example, thallium was apparently used in an Agatha Christie book as a murder agent.Google Assistant is introducing the periodic table along with a few new features that will help families. These include updates to Family Bell reminders and an updated periodic table. They could not ring from a Nest smart speaker or smart display at launch last year. But, Google claims that they will soon be able to ring from mobile devices. Family Bell on the Nest hub will soon be able show a checklist to remind you of a set amount of tasks.Google has also added a way for you to create a routine once you have turned off your alarm. This could allow you to check the weather or the news immediately after you wake up. This feature will also be available soon.