Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domainPublic interest in space technology has been sparked by observations of gravitational waves within space. An interactive exhibit that is modeled after a real-life gravitational wave detector is helping to explain the new field.The Gravity Discovery Centre in Gingin currently has an exhibit that demonstrates how Astronomy researchers at The University of Western Australia detect gravitational wave in space.A team of international researchers, including those from OzGrav ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery(OzGrav), created a model in Britain to help communicate the unfamiliar field of gravitational wave research to general audiences.American Journal of Physics published a study that measured the impact of the exhibit on the audience at a science festival. It found that children and young girls were more interested in physics after they had interacting with it, especially those aged 11-16 years.They also offered instructions online to help others build their own versions.The exhibit's core component is a functioning Michelson interferometer. This is a simplified version of the technology used in gravitational wave detectors. It allows interaction with the user and simulates gravitational waves observations.A beam-splitter splits laser light into two parallel beams in a Michelson interferometer. The beams travel down detector arms and reflect off mirrors back at the beam-splitter, where they recombine to create an interference pattern.The interference pattern will change if the relative lengths of the arms changes.Aaron Jones, a co-author and postdoctoral fellow from the OzGrav UWA Instrumentation Group, said that the exhibit enabled users to interact with it to input a simulated gravity wave. This provided a unique learning experience.Dr. Jones stated that it was amazing to see young people of diverse backgrounds excited about STEM and using the exhibit.Jan Devlin (gravity Discovery Centre manager), stated that the Centre's interactive Interferometer display was one of the first exhibits to be installed at the Gravity Discovery Centre.Ms Devlin stated that "it plays an important part in inspiring and educating the students and the general public about the detection gravitational waves and black holes, spacetime, and spacetime."National Science Week is Australia's annual celebration and celebration of science and technology. It runs from August 14-22 and aims at inspiring students to pursue a career as a scientist.Continue exploring Gravitational wave hunt no hum drumMore information: S. J. Cooper and al, An Interactive Gravitational Wave Detector Model For Museums And Fairs. arXiv.2004.03052v2 (physics.ed.ph) Journal information: American Journal of Physics S. J. Cooper et. al, An Interactive Gravitational Wave Detector Model For Museums and Fairs. arXiv:2004.03052v2 [physics.ed-ph] arxiv.org/abs/2004.03052