It is so large, it even has its own magnetic field.Ganymede MapNASA's Juno space probe was launched ten years ago to study Jupiter and its moons. The latest images of Juno and its satellites show the gas giant in stunning detail.Juno created an infrared map showing Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede, using its Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper.This map can help us to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of the enormous space rock and help us understand the vast oceans that lie beneath its ice shell.Ganymede has a huge volume, larger than Mercury and Pluto. It is the only moon with a magnetic field.AdvertisementAdvertisementProbing GanymedeAccording to NASA, Juno can use JIRAM to explore deep within Ganymedes shell. Juno can find details between 30 and 45 miles below Jupiter's cloud tops.It can help us to study the composition of Jupiter's other 79 moons, especially its Galilean moons Europa and Ganymede.It flew within 31136 miles of Ganymedes' surface during its July 20 flyby. It was able to see Ganymedes' north polar region for the first time and study its composition at low and high latitudes.Ganymede, despite its size and magnetic field is very vulnerable to hostile space environments.AdvertisementAdvertisementIn NASAs latest, Alessandro Mura, Juno co-investigator at the National Institute for Astrophysics, Rome, stated that Ganymedes was found high in the latitudes, dominated by water, ice with fine grain sizes.He said that low latitudes are protected by the moon's magnetic field, and have more of their original chemical composition, especially of non-water-ice constituents like salts and organics.It's an amazing conclusion to ten years worth of space exploration. Juno's next targets include Jupiters north pole and its moons Europa, Io and Io. Stay tuned for more amazing images.READ MORE: NASA's Juno Celebrates Ten Years with a New Infrared View Of Moon Ganymede [NASA]AdvertisementAdvertisementJuno: NASA Spacecraft Captures Beautiful Pictures of Jupiter's Largest Moon