A picture is worth a thousand pictures.Facebook Messenger introduced soundmojis in July. These Emojis play a specific sound when they are sent to Messenger. Facebook's sound design team assigned 30 unique sounds to emojis. For example, you can send an emoji that has hands clapping and get real uproarious applause.Other soundmojis are associated with pop culture sound clips. Click on the stop emoji to ask Billie Eilish: "Stop. What are you talking about? This is far more fatal than the simple red Octagon.SEE ALSO: How Facebook sound engineers gave emojis voicesFor now, soundmojis can only be used in Facebook Messenger. Facebook, however, owns WhatsApp, Instagram and has been integrating backends of these messaging platforms and allowing inter-platform messaging between Instagram and Facebook. It's possible that you will see more of these noisy emoticons in the future.Here are some soundmojis.1. Allow Facebook Messenger to access your phone's microphone settings. Go to Settings on iPhones. Scroll down and click the Messenger app. Turn the Microphone option on to "On".2. 2.) Open a conversation in Facebook Messenger3. Navigate to the textbox and click on the smiley face icon at the right.4. The lower portion of the app will open with four tabs. Click on the tab to the right, which is the speaker icon.Four tabs are displayed when you click on the smiley face. The speaker icon is the tab to your right. There you will find soundmojis. Credit: screenshot: Facebook messenger5. Clicking on the speaker icon will bring you to your soundmojis menu. Scroll through the options and click on a soundmoji to test it.6. After you have selected the soundmoji to test, it will be larger in the middle of the menu. Clicking the button will allow you to hear the test again. Click the "send” button beneath the selected soundmoji to confirm that it is the one you are looking for.7. The chat will display the soundmoji. It won't be able to play by itself. To hear the soundmoji's audio, the person you are chatting with must click on it. It will be marked with parentheses to let them know that it has soundmoji status.