In what is likely to be the largest cryptocurrency theft ever, more than $600 million was stolen.Hackers exploited Poly Network's vulnerability to allow them to work together. Poly Network is a platform that connects different blockchains.Poly Network reported the Twitter attack and requested communication with hackers. They were also asked to return the hacked assets.Blockchain is a record of all activities that various cryptocurrencies are built upon. Each digital coin has its blockchain, and each one is unique. Poly Network claims that it can make all these different blockchains work together.Poly Network is a decentralized financial platform. DeFi refers to financial applications that are based on blockchain technology. It aims to eliminate intermediaries like brokerages and exchanges. Hence, it's dubbed decentralized.This could make borrowing and lending more efficient and less expensive, according to proponents.Poly Network tweeted that "the amount of money you hack is the largest in defi history."The hackers took the money and began sending it to other cryptocurrency addresses. SlowMist security firm researchers said that more than $610,000,000 worth of cryptocurrency was sent to three addresses.Poly Network advised cryptocurrency exchanges to "blacklist tokens" that come from addresses linked to hackers.